Star Trek 24009


stgkif I’m selling a Star Trek #24009 which the inner front cover states was printed in the Philippines. It also states that it was “co-published by South Pacific Publications Limited Hong Kong, Philippines and Rosnock Publications, Australia.”

Its front cover differs from that of the Australian version possibly published in 1972 and from the original Gold Key issue published in 1968. (Click on the pictures for more detail.)
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Lotus Esprit S1

lotusesp I don’t usually buy sports cars but when I saw this 2015 series Lotus Esprit S1, I felt I had to get it. I had long admired the simple elegance of the Lotus Esprit‘s design. I wouldn’t mind actually owning one and driving it around. It was only later that I read the text on the card mentioning that it is the 1977 car from the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me (where it changes into a submarine). There is a 2014 series Retro Entertainment (assortment E) version of it in submarine mode. I’ll buy it if it becomes available.

Jamboree Cruiser: Monsters University

Ever since I saw Tomica’s Jamboree Cruiser in a catalog, I’ve always wanted to buy one. This afternoon, I found a Monsters University version of it together with other Disney Motors models. I like it because it looks like a Philippine jeepney.

jcmu4 Continue reading “Jamboree Cruiser: Monsters University”