Mystery plant

wrf1 I just saw this very strange plant in my neighborhood. It’s around five feet tall, with red flowers on top and leaves coming out of its very wide stem. The owner of the plant doesn’t know its name. It wasn’t planted intentionally; it just grew on the property. I tried in vain searching the internet for its name. Please leave a reply if you know what it’s called.

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School buses

sbsiku Aside from collecting weird-looking vehicles, my wife and I also like to collect scale models of school buses. A recent addition is the Siku US School Bus #1319 shown on the left which I bought in Rustan’s in Alabang for around 180 pesos.

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Shown above are some Maisto school buses. (I mentioned the one on the left in a previous post.)

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The Matchbox GMC School Bus shown above left is really beautiful. It and the Hot Wheels School Bus shown above right come in many variations.

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We currently have three versions of the Hot Wheels Surfin’ School Bus. We bought the one above without a card. It seems to be a 2005 Red Lines Series collector number 96 made in Malaysia. The pictures in the cards below show the ridiculously small lone door.

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Danny MacAskill: Imaginate

What do you get when you let professional street trials rider Danny MacAskill design his own stunts? The riding film called Imaginate. (The pictures here are my screenshots of the film.)

From the commentary in Episode 5, it seems that the most challenging stunts were the blocks at 4:26 (using a mini kicker to reach the 4-meter-high top), the tank at 3:57 (during one attempt he fell and became temporarily unconscious), and the ramp at 1:45.

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