A Super Day

The first thought that came to my mind when I saw the “TH” logo on this 2015 Ford Mustang GT was “So that’s how it looks in real life.”

I looked at the tires, saw that they were Real Riders, and saw a gold circle flame logo on the card behind the model. (An ordinary Treasure Hunt would have a gray circle flame logo on the card.) The body has Spectraflame paint.

It was next to an “ordinary” version of the 2015 Ford Mustang GT, so I got that one too for comparison.

The wheels are plastic (and not rubber), there is no circle flame logo on the card, and the paint is not Spectraflame.

The Super Treasure Hunt doesn’t have a collector number (such as “222/365”) on top right of the front of the card. The backs of the cards are also different. The Super Treasure Hunt has a toy number “FJY37-D7C3,” a collector’s code “Z2S2L,” and a base code “K40″ (embossed on the base of the model and on the upper left of the back of the card). The ordinary model has a toy number ” FJY35-D7C3 G1,” a collector’s code “8GE25,” and a base code “L10.”

This is my first Super Treasure Hunt. I never thought I would be able to find one “in the wild.”

Edit (December 24, 2018)

After I posted this blog, I was able to get a (black) mainline version of the Super Treasure Hunt.

It has a collector number (“80/365”) on top right of the front of the card, and on the back it can be seen to have toy number “FJW44-D7C3,” collector’s code “ZB9K8,” and base code “K47.”